(partial) myth joy

Yay! It would seem that with the latest updates to the xc3028 tuner driver, my DViCO Fusion Dual Digital 4 (USB id 0fe9:db78) can use the newest drivers again.

Up to my last attempt at tracking the newest drivers, loading them would cause a system hardlock, which isn't particularly helpful on a PVR. Well, whilst the olympics were on I don't suppose it mattered that much. Komkommertijd, as we say in Holland.

Olympic Cheats

As was probably unavoidable, in the week or so leading up to the olympics there were stories of drug cheats being found out and banned.

What strikes me as somewhat odd is that the news shows managed to get clips of Australian athletes condemning these drug cheats.

Australian athletes, who only have the help of their own efforts and a multi-million dollar government funded high tech research agency, to win as many gold medals as possible to reinforce nationalistic pride. In what way is that NOT cheating?


I found myself with some spare time the other day and decided that my current mysql backup strategy is not the best in the world. The mysql server is a virtual machine in a Brisbane datacenter and it's backed up via a script that calls mysqldump on each installed database and dumps the content to (compressed) files. These files then get sucked down via rdiff-backup.

This is fine in principle, but does mean it's possible for me to lose 24 hours worth of data due to an accidental '--; DROP table students.