
Drupal Pronunciation Guide

To avoid misinterpretation of the project name, Linux has had a pronunciation guide for quite some time.

At Drupal Down Under in Brisbane, Australia, kattekrab obtained one for Drupal as well. So if you hear people mispronouncing "Drupal", you can now point them at an authoritative example :-)

Migrating users and content profiles

For some time now I've been working on a Drupal site that consists mainly of scraped content from a proprietary, ASP based CMS from the late nineties. The Simple HTML Dom Parser, used from within a drush script, has been invaluable. It made scraping the old site content and importing it as Drupal nodes a relative breeze. (No access to the database used by the CMS, boo!)

Part of setting up the new site is importing users and their content profile nodes from a different Drupal site, that was setup a year or two ago to manage an event.

I had hoped there would be a way for me to export these users and their profile nodes from one Drupal to the other, but though I found modules to export one or the other, I might still end up with profile nodes that were no longer related to their users. Of course, that's pretty useless.

When I remembered I was also supposed to add all these users to a simplenews newsletter, the proverbial light bulb came on.

Changing an argumentative view title

Using the taxonomy view to change how taxonomy listings are displayed is rather nifty. However, I found myself being asked by a client to make sure the page title (ie: the taxonomy term as set by the argument) was properly title-cased. That issue comes up from time to time on the #drupal-support IRC channel, so I suspected it would be easy, as many people had done this.